Okay, okay so it was a few years ago, but I have been thinking a lot about it. It was the scariest "fall" of my life. Up to that point I had mostly jumped on trampolines, off diving boards, and occasionally on my bed. Apparently I thought that qualified me to jump out of an airplane because one day in May 2008, I found myself next to a friend in a plane on the way up to make the 12,000 foot drop. The plane kept climbing and the ground got further away in a hurry. I had been told the plan. I would freefall for 60 seconds before the parachute would be released and then I would have roughly a 7 minute ride to the ground. It was easy to say but terrifying to think about as it came my turn and I was scooted to the door. I looked over the edge and pure fear ran through my entire body as I thought to myself, "How dumb am I?" I didn't even have time to answer that question before my instructor counted to three, front-flipped us out of the plane, and we were spiraling through the air! What a thrill! The sensation felt more like flying than falling. Adrenaline pumped through every inch of my body! And after one minute, the parachute was pulled and the freefall was stopped. My life wasn't over! What a relief. I enjoyed the scenery and the relaxing ride as we came in for an soft landing.
Despite how it may sound, I'm not trying to sell you on going skydiving (although I wouldn't stop you either). Instead, I wish to relate it to a much bigger fall that took place. The fall of man. Adam and Eve fell in the Garden of Eden when they partook of the fruit they had been commanded not to eat of. They had to leave the Garden, the presence of God. But God knew that would happen. In fact, it was the plan all along. Before the fall Adam and Eve were in a state of innocence and would not have had children. Without it, we would not be here; we could not progress. Heavenly Father had provided a way long before that event for man to fall, to leave his presence that they might learn and grow, but then return and live with him again. The way was through his Only Begotten Son. Jesus Christ came to earth to redeem us. Through his sacrifice, we can repent of mistakes and be made clean again that we might someday return to God.
In essence, Jesus Christ acted as the parachute. He provided the way the fall could happen while also making a sure way for a safe return to our Father in Heaven. I am so grateful for my Savior Jesus Christ and his willingness to play this part in the perfect plan!
Great analogy! No matter how far we fall, the Savior can rescue and heal us, if only we will invite him and let him. He stands at the door and knocks.