Wednesday, July 27, 2011

From a Cubby Hole to the Center

<font color="#f8f8f9">1</font>Mainstream Cubbies for 20, 48wx15dx30h (cubbies for 25 shown)
Many people have a belief in Jesus Christ but what do we do about it?  Where does he fit into our lives?  I can think of at least two different ways he has been a part of mine.  I would describe the first as a cubby hole.  He was one of the compartments of my life along with work, school, family, friends, and running.  Mostly I would think about Christ a few times a day when I would pray or read from the scriptures and on Sundays at church.  He had a time and a place in my life.  But when church was over or when I was finished reading from the Bible or the Book of Mormon, I was onto the next cubby hole, the next compartment, doing something else and I wouldn't think too much about Christ until it came time to pray or attend church again.  

Then I realized there had to be a better way.  I wanted a closer relationship with Jesus Christ.  I wanted to be more like him.  I tried to enlarge my cubby hole in a sense, make more time for the Savior.  I would study the word of God more intensely.  I would be more engaged at church.  I would do small acts of service each day.  I was trying to follow the Savior.  But I still felt incomplete.  I still felt my life wasn't as focused on him as it should be.

After thinking a lot about it, I realized a cubby hole was not a sufficient approach.  If I wanted to be a true disciple of Jesus Christ I needed to put him at the CENTER of everything!  Instead of scheduling him into my day, he needed to guide it and be the motivation behind all of my actions, the center of every decision.  It was a difficult transition and I am nowhere near perfect at it but I want him to be continually apart of every aspect of my life.  The way I act at work and school.  The way I treat my family.  The way I serve those around me.  A Christ-centered life is the way we can become true disciples of Jesus Christ.