Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Scubadiving is Like Studying the Book of Mormon

When I was a senior got certified to scuba dive.  It was something I had always wanted to do.  My dad loved the sport and would take trips to Mexico and Hawaii to see the world under the waves.  When he asked if it was something I was interested in, I was in the water with my tank, snorkel, mask, wet suit, and fins before I had time to answer.  I was so excited.  After a month of classes, a written and an underwater test I was official and on my way to Hawaii to test out the new skills.  We went diving almost every day!  Aside from many brilliantly colored tropical fish, I was able to see eels and octopus', and swim with dolphins and manarays.  My favorite part about diving was walking out to the water that hid this other world, and not knowing what the experience would hold.  It was the most amazing thing to see only the surface but then go in and realize the depths and the life inside.  Without getting in and being able to look around (preferrably with goggles on :)) you would never experience what it contained.  And the great thing about it, is the same experience cannot be had twice.  Each time you go, even if to the same bay, the fish will be different, there will be new things to see.

Studying the Book of Mormon is very similar.  At first glance it is only a book.  But inside there is an experience that will change your life.  It is not merely an entertaining story.  It is a way to draw closer to Christ, to learn about him, to really know him.  It is a way to have every question you want to ask God answered.  It is a way you can know the truth.  And the great thing about it is, no matter how many times you have read it, you will find new things.  You will learn more about our Savior Jesus Christ.  You will find happiness.  That is why it is a book we are never done reading.  I love the Book of Mormon and know it to be the word of God.  It changes my life every day and will do the same for anyone who has a sincere desire, real intent, and faith in Christ.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

I Went Skydiving

Okay, okay so it was a few years ago, but I have been thinking a lot about it.  It was the scariest "fall" of my life.  Up to that point I had mostly jumped on trampolines, off diving boards, and occasionally on my bed.  Apparently I thought that qualified me to jump out of an airplane because one day in May 2008, I found myself next to a friend in a plane on the way up to make the 12,000 foot drop.  The plane kept climbing and the ground got further away in a hurry.  I had been told the plan.  I would freefall for 60 seconds before the parachute would be released and then I would have roughly a 7 minute ride to the ground.  It was easy to say but terrifying to think about as it came my turn and I was scooted to the door.  I looked over the edge and pure fear ran through my entire body as I thought to myself, "How dumb am I?"  I didn't even have time to answer that question before my instructor counted to three, front-flipped us out of the plane, and we were spiraling through the air!  What a thrill!  The sensation felt more like flying than falling.  Adrenaline pumped through every inch of my body!  And after one minute, the parachute was pulled and the freefall was stopped.  My life wasn't over!  What a relief.  I enjoyed the scenery and the relaxing ride as we came in for an soft landing.

Despite how it may sound, I'm not trying to sell you on going skydiving (although I wouldn't stop you either).  Instead, I wish to relate it to a much bigger fall that took place.  The fall of man.  Adam and Eve fell in the Garden of Eden when they partook of the fruit they had been commanded not to eat of.  They had to leave the Garden, the presence of God.  But God knew that would happen.  In fact, it was the plan all along.  Before the fall Adam and Eve were in a state of innocence and would not have had children.  Without it, we would not be here; we could not progress.  Heavenly Father had provided a way long before that event for man to fall, to leave his presence that they might learn and grow, but then return and live with him again.  The way was through his Only Begotten Son.  Jesus Christ came to earth to redeem us.  Through his sacrifice, we can repent of mistakes and be made clean again that we might someday return to God. 

In essence, Jesus Christ acted as the parachute.  He provided the way the fall could happen while also making a sure way for a safe return to our Father in Heaven.  I am so grateful for my Savior Jesus Christ and his willingness to play this part in the perfect plan!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

An Escalator, Not a Staircase

Our lives can be like walking up an escalator that is moving downwards.  A constant uphill struggle to reach a destination.  A battle to get to the top.  An objective we are striving for.  But just what are we working towards? What do we really want out of life?  For some it is aspiring to a certain position within a career.  For others it may be to travel the world or climb the highest mountain.  There are many noble goals but there is one goal, one purpose that's importance surpasses all others.  That is to follow Jesus Christ and progress that we might return to live with our Heavenly Father.  Because that is the reason we are here; that is the purpose of life.  And it, like any other admirable goal, takes work to achieve.  We continually step up one stair at a time.  We better ourselves to progress.  As long as we are getting better we are headed in the right direction.  But if we stop moving forward on the escalator, we are taken backwards.  It is impossible to remain still in our progress like it would be on a staircase.  With every choice we move one step in either direction.  Everyday we should ask ourselves: which direction am I facing?